Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rainbow Sherbet freebie Scrap Kit

I have a new Scrap kit for you called Rainbow Sherbet.
This is a tagger size kit. There are 48 Elements, 19 Papers
and 17 Frames. There are 3 downloads because of the size of the
kit. Enjoy!! I would love to see your creations!!!

2 More Awards!!

WOW!! I got 2 more awards.
I received this one from Myrtle Thank you SOOO Much sweety!!!! I am so honored!!!
I nominate Rachel
and Ali

I received this one from Aimee
Thank you so much Aimee!!!!
I nominate Amber
I will come back later to nominate more of my favorite blogs!!!
Thanks so much you gals!!! I am so honored!!!!!